
Date: Thursday, April 8, 2021
Time: 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. EDT
Beta-Gallium Oxide is an emerging ultra-wide band gap semiconductor with a predicted critical breakdown field much higher than the commercial wide band gap semiconductors such as Gallium Nitride and Silicon Carbide. The key attractive feature is the availability of single crystal large area bulk substrates. This webinar will begin with the motivation for pursuing research on ultra-wide band gap semiconductors for applications in power electronics and high frequency electronics. State-of-the-art progress in bulk crystal growth, epitaxy and ion implantation will be reviewed. Strategies to maximize breakdown voltage in lateral Gallium Oxide MOSFETs, vertical diodes and transistors will be discussed. The main theme of the webinar will be to highlight and discuss the interrelationship between material properties, material processing and device performance. The future outlook for Gallium Oxide in achieving its theoretical potential, as well as the key challenges & limitations, will also be discussed.

Webinar Objectives/Topics

  • Understand the motivation to pursue ultra-wide bandgap semiconductors and Gallium Oxide for enhanced electrical device performance
  • Understand the growth and doping of Gallium Oxide bulk crystals, thin films and alloys
  • Correlate the relationship between material property, materials processing and device performance
  • Gain knowledge on state-of-the-art devices in both lateral and vertical topologies
  • Gain knowledge on the prospects, limitations and challenges for Gallium Oxide materials and devices


Prof. Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
The University of Utah, USA

Who Should Attend

This webinar is intended for students, technologists, academic and industrial researchers involved in compound semiconductors research for electronic applications. Physicists, material scientists and device engineers looking to gain an understanding and broadening of their knowledge in an emerging and fast moving field of ultra-wide band gap material system (Gallium Oxide) will find the webinar very beneficial. Background and exposure to basic concepts of semiconductors is desirable. Nevertheless, fundamental concepts relevant to the webinar will be quickly reviewed before advanced discussion of the topics.

Webinar Cost


Platform: Zoom

Times listed are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)Check your timezone accordingly!

Each webinar includes a link to a pdf file of the copyrighted webinar notes. During the webinar you may ask questions. Presenters will review and answer them periodically throughout the presentation. 

You must be present the day of the webinar, recorded versions will not be available.

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