General Information -


Cost Per Course:

  • AVS Platinum Member
    $1,820 (4-day course); $1,045 (2-day course);
    $715 (1-day course)
  • Non-Member
    $1,895 (4-day course); $1,120 (2-day course);
    $790 (1-day course)
  • Full-time Student/Requires Student I.D.
    $800 (4-day course); $400 (2-day course);
    $200 (1-day course)
  • Multi-Course and Group Discounts Available
    Contact Heather Korff,

Course Includes: Course Notes and Lunch (Tuesday-Thursday in the Exhibit Hall - While Supplies Last; Monday Lunch is On Your Own)

Tampa Convention Center
333 S. Franklin St.
Tampa, FL 33602

Course Times: 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (ET) 

Hotel Information: Click the "Housing & Travel Information" button under the AVS 70th International Symposium & Exhibition.

AVS 70 International Symposium & Exhibition

"Innovating Sustainability: Next Generation Energy and Quantum Devices and Their Characterization"

Featuring Presentations on Emerging Topics Related to Materials, Processing & Interfaces

The AVS International Symposium and Exhibition addresses cutting edge issues associated with materials, processing and interfaces in both the research and manufacturing communities.

The weeklong Symposium fosters a multidisciplinary environment that cuts across traditional boundaries between disciplines, featuring papers from AVS Technical Division, Groups, Focus Topics on emerging technologies and more.

An extensive Exhibition of related equipment, tools, materials, supplies, chemicals, services, consulting, technical literature, and new technologies are showcased during the week.

Tampa Convention Center
333 S. Franklin St.
Tampa, Florida 33602


Hotel Reservation Deadline: October 2, 2024

Fundamentals of Vacuum Technology -

Date: Monday-Thursday, November 4-7, 2024
Time: 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (ET)
Course Objectives
  • Understand vacuum fundamentals essential to operating, maintaining, designing, or using vacuum systems.
  • Know the working principles and limitations of pumps, gauges, and other vacuum system components.
  • Understand the procedures for operating and performing preventive maintenance on vacuum systems, including analyzing and troubleshooting malfunctioning vacuum systems and leak detection.
  • Learn the design concepts involved in matching equipment and instrumentation to applications.

Tim Gessert
Managing Member
Gessert Consulting, LLC

Neil Peacock
Pine Place Consulting, LLC

Plasma Etching and RIE: Fundamentals and Applications
(1 & 2 Day Options)

Date: Monday-Tuesday, November 4-5, 2024
Time: 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (ET)
Course Objectives
  • Know the basic concepts of plasma etching.
  • Understand the physics of RF glow discharges (both high and low density).
  • Understand the surface science aspects of reactive ion etching (RIE).
  • Learn about plasma-surface chemistry leading to etching.
  • Recognize the factors that influence etching anisotropy.

Randy Shul
Technical Staff (Retired)
Sandia National Laboratories

Other AVS Events -

AVS Rocky Mountain Chapter Short Course Program
Westminster, CO
September 18-20, 2024

  • Five (5) Courses being offered


AVS National Short Course Program - Virtual Only
Platform: Zoom
September 24-October 4, 2024

  • Five (5) Courses being offered


AVS Courses by Request 
If you are interested in seeing an AVS Short Course offered in 2025 please complete the AVS Courses by Request form. (Recommended for individual training)

AVS Onsite/Online Training
Do your employees need training now? Are budgets tight? Let AVS bring our short courses and qualified instructors to your organization either onsite at your facility or virtually via Zoom. Please complete the AVS Onsite/Online Training request form to receive a proposal. (Recommended for group training)

AVS Publications Professional Development Webinar
Becoming a Peer Reviewer: Everything You Need to Know
Eray Aydil, Stephanie Law, Mohan Sankaran, Alex Shard
Date: October 15, 2024
Time: 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. ET


Have an Idea for a Webinar or e-Talk?

We welcome suggestions for future Webinars and/or e-Talk topics and speakers.

Please e-mail Webinar suggestions to David Adams, AVS Short Course Chair,  

Please e-mail e-Talk suggestions to Matthew Jordan, AVS e-Talk Chair,